Julius Caesar - part 2 (Caesar's Rebellion of the Victims of the Stone Wars)

 Read the first part of this series here . Read the second part of that series below.

Julius rebelled against Caesar

One of Gull's most colorful historical figures is Velsintatoris. This was someone who acted like all the Gaelic tribes who tried to throw off the Roman yoke during the Gallic Wars. Although Adui, a friend of Rome, also played a major role, Caesar's description of his wars in Gaul is the main characters in Book VII of de Bel Galico, Variantatoris and Caesar. The period of this rebellion is called Background Fights, Bibracte, Vosges, and Sabis.

By the end of Book VII, Caesar had suppressed the Gaelic rebellion.

The following is a summary of De VIDEO's book VII with detailed explanations.

Versinthetoris, the son of Celtiletius, a member of the Glyphic tribe of Arverny, sent ambassadors to the Gallic tribes who did not cooperate with him, inviting them to join him in expelling the Romans. In a peaceful manner or by attacking, he recruited the Xenons (from the Solson tribes) of the tribes who belonged to the Galle group responsible for the Roman tribe of Croatia. BC 390, Parasai, Pictonian, Quartz, Tours, O'Leary, Lumovis, Rutney, and others to their Armed Forces. Variantatoris used the Roman method of demanding hostages to ensure allegiance, and the forces from each of these groups were taxed. He then received the Supreme Command. He tried to collaborate with Bitudius, but they resisted and sent ambassadors to Aedui for help against Versynterix.

Buturius was a dependent of Aedui and Aedui was a follower of Rome ("Brothers and Close Brothers of the Roman People" 1.33). Aedui started to help but sometimes turned around and, perhaps, as they say, they doubted Bitudius comparing them to Arverni. Perhaps because of the lack of support from ADUI, Bitouir was given to Viricitatoris.

Eduardo had already planned to revolt against Rome.

When Caesar heard about the alliance, it was a threat, so he traveled to Italy from 121 BC. From the C.M.C. From there to Translapin Gul. But even though he had a group of German cavalry, he was in seasalpine gulls. He knows how to approach major forces without threatening himself. Meanwhile, Lucitius, ambassador of Variantororis, won friends. He added Nitobaris and Gabali, and then moved to Narbo, in the Roman province of Translapin. So Caesar went to Narbo. Caesar changed his order and, after the Hellway border, sailed to the borders of Auvergne. VarietyTorics marched with their armies to protect their people. Caesar, who could no longer serve without his other armies, was commanded by Brutus on his way to Vienna from his battalion. The next stop was the bloody winter of Audi and Caesar, Rome 's main allies in Gaul. From then on, Caesar sent a message to the rest of the blood about the dangers posed by variantotherapy.

Dams formed

When Caesar was learning Variantetrorics, he went to Bitudius and headed to the non-aligned Bowie town of Gargoia to sequence it. Caesar encouraged opposition. On the way to the buoys, Caesar split two pairs at the adenium. On the way to the city of Selenus at Velloododanam, Caesar decided to attack. He also decided to take the opportunity to raise funds for his forces.

Especially in the winter, when food was not available, food could be used to determine the outcome of war. Because of this, the Soviet cities, which were not potential enemies behind them, could still be destroyed to ensure that an enemy army would not starve or retreat. Viricitatorics will soon grow as one of his main principles.

Caesar's armies besieged the Valladovians and came to the city and sent their ambassadors. Caesar surrendered their weapons and ordered 600 of their cattle and hostages. When it was planned and taken over by Trebonius, Caesar went to Jennabum, a caravanserai ready to send troops into battle at Velanodum. When the Romans encamped and attempted to flee at night across a bridge over the Nair River, Caesar's army captured the city, plundered it, and set it on fire. They then proceeded across the area of ​​Buteurius across the Loar Bridge.


The move prompted Variantatoris to end the siege of Gargolia. He proceeded to Caesar, where the siege of Navagathedumam began. The new ambassadors apologized to Caesar and listened to them. Caesar ordered their weapons, horses, and hostages. Caesar's men went to the city to collect weapons and horses. Verizettori's army appeared on the horizon. The people of these innovators took up arms and led the gates to close. As the people of Navodarumam went back on their word, Caesar was attacked. The city lost a number of people before it was recaptured.


Next Caesar traveled to Arerikum, a well-guarded city in the territory of Bitudius. Prior to responding to this new threat, the Virgin Territories convened a war conference and demanded that the other leaders be restrained from making the necessary arrangements for the Romans. From the winter onwards, many provisions were difficult to provide, and the Romans had to leave.

Variantatoris proposed a dry-earth policy. If a property does not have good security it will burn down. In this way, they destroyed 20 of their Bitorius cities. The Bitcoins demanded that the Veterans not burn down their great city of Averykumi. He did not like it. Verinsetoris set up camp about 15 miles from Averykum. Whenever Caesar's men could be kept at a distance, the men of Variantori attacked them. Caesar, meanwhile, built towers and surrounded it with rivers and swamps, so that he could not build a wall around the city as he wished.

Caesar surrounded the city for 27 days for building towers and walls, and the Gauls produced counter-devices. The Romans finally succeeded in a surprise attack. Many of those golfers became Bluetooth. So, the Romans entered the city and fell victim to the Holocaust. Caesar's count reached about 800 varicose veins. Caesar's armies had large supplies and the winter was over.

Despite all of the recent disasters, Variantatoris managed to calm other leaders down. Especially if Avaricum, he could not defeat the Romans bravely. But there were no goals by the new system, and in addition, he wanted to burn Averykum, but, apart from him, it stood out because of the Bituders' appeal. His friends calmed down and he provided with a replacement army to replace the Virminsetoris for those who had been lost. He was also a follower of Tetomamarus, the son of Olovalisus, king of New York, and a friend of Rome based on the Formic Treaty (amicitia).

The Educan Revolution

Eduardo, friends of Rome, came to Caesar with their political problem. A king who led their tribe held power for a year, but this year there were two rival factions and the Convitolitans. If he did not settle, one side would turn to VarietyTorics to support the cause. So he went inside. Caesar was opposed by the Kothas and the Convitolitis party. He then asked the ADI to send all his horses and 10,000 infantry. Caesar divided his army and moved the Lebanese 4th Division to the north, to the Xenons, to Parisii, and to the 6th group to Arverni, towards Georgia, which had banks in Algeria. All the bridges over the Vorioncetrix River were demolished, but the Romans suffered only a temporary setback. The two divisions of the army were in front of their bases, and the Caesar Bridge was built. Caesar's men went to Garcia.

Meanwhile, the horse chosen by Caesar to be king of Israel was treacherously captured by Convictolitanis with Averni, preventing the conquest of Eduardo from blocking the conquest against the Romans. By this time the Gauls had risked their freedom, intended to rescue the Roman authorities and help them with other invaders, and had lost the freedom and weight demands of the soldiers and supplies. Such arguments and bribes were given by Virucitatorics associates and believed in Edui. One person who participated in the discussion was Letavicus. He was in charge of the infantry sent to Caesar. The Romans marched on Gargia, providing security for the Romans. While they were near Gargoya, Letavicus harassed his troops against the Romans. He falsely claimed that the Romans had killed some of their favorite leaders. Then his men attacked the Romans. Some even went to the cities of Eduwan to protest against the Romans and seek revenge.

Not all Aden agreed. Someone from Caesar's company learned of Leirus' actions, and told Caesar. Caesar then took some of his men to the army of Eduard and presented them to men who he thought had been killed by the Romans. The army surrendered at gunpoint and they surrendered. Caesar saved them.


When Caesar finally arrived in Gargovia, he surprised the people. Initially, all were well on their way to the Romans during the conflict, but fresh galley troops arrived. He did not hear many of Caesar's armies calling for a retreat. Instead, they continued to fight and plunder the city. Many were killed but they still did not stop. Finally, the day-to-day running of the Variantetoris, as the winner, summoned the battle for the day when the new Roman Legion would arrive. According to Adrian Goldsworthy, 700 soldiers died in Rome and 46 centuries later.

The Cicero, Eyruwan, Eriruwan, and Europodrix went to the town of Navadanumam in the Lawyer and learned that further discussions had taken place between the Eduans and the opposition. The city was on fire because the Romans were unable to build a fire around the guerrillas around Rome.

When Caesar heard of these events, he thought that he should suppress the rebellion before the Armed Forces were old enough. He did so, and when his armies marveled at Eduas, they took the food and cattle that were in the fields and marched into the area of ​​Zenon.

Meanwhile, other Galilean tribes have heard of Aedui's rebellion. Lebiනnus, Caesar's most brilliant lawyer, was surrounded by two new rebel groups and wanted to withdraw his troops. Under Camulogenus the Gauls were subdued by his maneuvers and defeated in a battle in which Camulogenus was assassinated. Labiastus then led his men to Caesar.

Meanwhile, there are thousands of variantoris horse riders from Edui and Segusiani. He led his troops and his allies against the Aliboros and sent other troops against the defeated Helvium. Caesar sent a cavalry and lightly armed infantry force from the Germanic tribes across the Rhine to attack the Variantorius against the Aliborus.

Versinteroris decided that the Rosie troops should be tired with their bag so that it would not be enough. Avarna and his allies are divided into three groups to attack. Caesar and his three armies fought back, and Germany had previously occupied a mountainous area. The guerrillas were pursued by the Germans to the river near the infantry of Versynterix with his infantry. When the Germans began to assassinate Averni, they fled. Caesar's enemy killed many. Led the cavalry of the Variantetoris and captured some of the tribal leaders.


Variantetoris led his army. Following Caesar, he killed as many as he could. When they came to Alessia, the Romans surrounded the hill country. Variantatoris sent to their tribesmen to carry all generations old enough to carry weapons. The Romans were able to pass through places where their fortifications had not yet been completed. It is not just a way to protect those inside the fort. The Romans used an external device from the torture stakes, against which an army was wounded.

Some wanted to gather wood and food for the Romans. Others built forts. This meant that Caesar's army was weakened. Because of this, the Welsh Tetorriks looked forward to joining the troops before a full-scale battle against Caesar's army, but fierce fighting ensued.

Avarnia sent lesser followers, but still large troops were defeated by the Romans, the two-faced Gally army, who were loyal to Alestia, and they were defeated by Alicia and the newcomers. The Romans and Germans were stationed inside and outside their fort to fight the new army inside and outside the city. Outside Golder took place in the distance at night and the Verizettoris warned of their presence. The next day friends approached and many were wounded in the Roman forts. So they left. The next day the goals came from both sides. Surprised when several Romans tried to flee the fort, the enemy marched around behind the enemy on the outside. Verizetorix saw what had happened and surrendered himself and his weapons.

BC In 46 Caesar's AD. In 46, the Veriesetorix Prize was presented as Caesar's Prize. Distributed generously to ADUI and Arverny.
