Nickname: Aritta Manjari
Tamil Name: Kuppameni
English name: Indian Acalpha
It is found mostly in regions with dry climates and is a very high quality herb. Kupamania is a monoecious plant with green flowers. Flowers throughout the year.
The nutrients in it are protein, carbohydrates, calcium, fat, phosphorus, iron and vitamin C.
The medicine is used to treat many diseases such as bladder disease, skin diseases, constipation, nervous system diseases, cough, asthma, fever, toothache, earache, migraine, joint swelling, psoriasis, rheumatism, burns, insomnia and many more. The plant can heal.
It can be eaten as a poultice and thus has the ability to survive a number of diseases.
Cuppamania leaves can be ground into a paste and applied to the abdomen to relieve urinary retention.
Adatoda leaves, mint leaves, coriander leaves and coupmania leaves can be crushed and drunk instead of tea or coffee.
All cats, especially cats, love this plant. It is customary for these animals to remove the tree and eat it when they have a stomach ache. It cures their illness.
The main reason this plant is attracted to these animals is the smell it emits. The smell is felt by these animals up to 50 meters away. It releases a chemical called "France lecta lactone".
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