National Flower of Sri Lanka - Nil Mahanel
Botanical name - Nymphese stellete
Clusters of Nil Mahanel, swaying gracefully above the shimmering waters on which they bloom all year round, create a stunning floral display on Sri Lanka's tanks and ponds. Large round green leaves cradle the almond shaped purple petals that surround the concentration of bright yellow and orange smaller petals in the center of the flower.
Nil Mahanel grow abundantly in warm shallow waters all over Sri Lanka and are especially plentiful in the dry zone in the north of the island. As a result, it is a favorite offering at the many Buddhist temples in and around the ancient cities in that area.
Legend has it that this flower is one of the 108 ceremonial designs found on the footprint of Prince Siddhartha ( the name given to the Buddha at birth), thus giving it special significance among the devotees of the religion.
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